
16th WORLD CONGRESS ON ENGINEERING ASSET MANAGEMENT Sevilla, del 5 al 7 de Octubre de 2022

16th WORLD CONGRESS ON ENGINEERING ASSET MANAGEMENT Sevilla, del 5 al 7 de Octubre de 2022

La Universidad de Sevilla está organizando para el próximo mes de octubre el 16th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management. Os animamos a participar enviando abstract siguiendo las instrucciones del Call for Papers.

Seville, a city located in southern Spain, will have the pleasure of hosting the 16th World Congress on Engineering Asset Management. WCEAM 2022 will involve experts in the application of techniques to achieve intelligent asset management in an industrial enviroment. The main premise of the congress´theme is how to integrate intelligence into the asset management, through the management of value, knowledge and risk.

The WCEAM 2022 will be celebrated on october, 5-7, 2022. The deadline fot abstract submission is 28 February 2022.

More information please link
